My favorite Washokusoup
Here we go! This is my favorite #washokusoup.Yes, it is #misosoup. It is the best #health-conscious soup with plenty of green onion,...
My favorite Washokusoup
Soup of Wasyoku!
Tofu steak,Do you know?
It is tipical Washoku in my home
It is a Washoku of my home!
It is already spring!
We always say “Itadakimasu” befor eating.
Yudedako(Octopus) has come!
Ham looled Leek
Let's make spring cooking
It is very cold today
Narcissus flowers and rice balls in early spring
Let's eat fingerstick open sand after "Setsubun".
Demons are outside, happiness is inside! "Setsubun"
But now it's still winter (turnip salad)
Spring onigiri of Fukuoka has come"
Stick rice ball has come!
Spring has come!
Ms. Tan of Vietnam visited "hommecooking japan" again.
Experience visit from Korea